Left the office at noon today with the goal of sealing up the underside of the bathroom before the coldness hits later this week and for once it is mission accomplished. The old porch, which is now the new bath rested on some concrete block piers, so my job was to fill the gaps between piers. Framed in between, sheeted it, and then covered that with some insulated foundation panels, that we'll eventually paint to match the rest.


We did have a casulty tonite though, my electric drill armed with a masonry bit fought the good fight against a host of concrete blocks, but was vastly outnumbered by the blocks and was overwhelmed. Fortunately for me it was on the last hole to be drilled on the last block. It was a hard block, a block from of old, molded at the dawn of time. I knew going into battle with that last block, a weathered block, molded so long ago, that my drill was weary from the battle thus far and that it would be no small miracle if it could defeat this old champion of blocks. The drill managed one hole on that block and I being overconfident of my victories over previous blocks thought I could muster one more hole from the overheating and rattly drill and that I am afraid was its undoing... it came apart at the very end of that final hole. Never leave a drill behind is our moto and after much wrenching and pulling and tugging I managed to pull its broken frame from that block of blocks. It was a great final battle for that drill and the holes he made will not soon be forgotten.

Dumpster is pretty much full...

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