Tonight the garden got tilled and is ready for planting. Planting however has been put on hold until next week due to weather predictions of a lot of rain and maybe even snow. We put the garden where the old dog fence was. when we first moved in and took the fence down there was a dog house inside the tall tall grass. Attached to the dog house was a chain with a collar still attached. As we were tilling we found three frisbees and several pieces of rubber balls. I must admit I was sure we were going to find some bones to explain why the collar and all was left attached to the dog house. But to my delight we didn't. We have discovered that our lawn is a worm sanctuary which is the highlight of Everette's life this year.
I know folks nothing exciting but another thing of my list. I am ready for summer. If anyone wants to offer me some gardening tips..... I'm all ears. My new little plot is probably three times the size of past gardens. Will said he will be impressed if I can maintain it. I will try to make him proud.