Ev"s New (to hime) House

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dancin Fool

One of our favorite gifts this year was......
Leave it to Auntie Gretchen to find this. As Everette says "She sends us all the cool music". How can you go wrong with hamsters and frogs huh?


Today we woke to a temp of -2˚ with a wind chill of -15˚. I know, you are all jealous.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Weighing in at 22 pounds....

After a fall (not sure what he hit on the way down) we made a trip to the ER. Thankfully they were able to glue it shut so no stitches. It looks like we have our own little pint size boxer. The scary thing is he wouldn't be afraid to jump in the ring right now. God, help me to get him to adulthood. (alive and in one piece)

Bathroom Upstairs Update

Lights are up. After many months of searching trying to find some lights to go with the style of the house and the little modern tile we got. This is what we settled on. They are up and working.

They need a little patching around the base. They are so bright. With all the white paint that little room is glowing.

Half tiled. Need to be grouted yet.

Next thing to get will the bathtub. Small steps.