Lights are up. After many months of searching trying to find some lights to go with the style of the house and the little modern tile we got. This is what we settled on. They are up and working.
They need a little patching around the base. They are so bright. With all the white paint that little room is glowing.
I likey the tile. It looks like water and who ever is tiling is doing a terrific job. The lights are almost exactly what we have in our bathroom, so definitely (wink) a good choice. Happy New Year to you guys also many hugs from freezing Sabaville.
At supper as we're enjoying our pasta shells and cheese sauce, Everette says, "Mom, I just love these noodle clams." (5-20-09)
Everette lost a tooth while up at Grammy's house so he asked me if I could leave a note for the tooth fairy to come to grammy's house since he wasn't home. I said, "I think you can wait until you come home." He replies, "I can't wait, I need that money right now mom." Guess he had big plans to spend it in Greene, Iowa.
"You make money by going to the store and get something and then keeping it for a few days and then return it. They give you money when you bring it back." (7-15-08)
"I'm Going to live on a farm with my girlfriend while my wife goes and works for money." Mommy says, "But you can only have one or the other. You can't have both a wife and a girlfriend." Everette says, "Fine, I will have a wife since she will work for money while I live in a trailer on a farm. You know that kind that travels." (7-7-08)
1 comment:
I likey the tile. It looks like water and who ever is tiling is doing a terrific job. The lights are almost exactly what we have in our bathroom, so definitely (wink) a good choice. Happy New Year to you guys also many hugs from freezing Sabaville.
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