Ev"s New (to hime) House

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doctors office

Emmett went with me to the doctor's office for Mackay on Friday. He was a super star going from office to office and waiting all that time at each. At the end he was getting a little restless and decided to entertain himself. I of course let him since he was so good and thought what could it hurt. He started out doing this with short little kick offs but then decided to see if he could hit the other wall. He had a blast and good thing the Doctor came in shortly after this because he started looking at the exam table and I am sure he was trying to figure out how he could jump off that onto the rolling stool. (This video is from my phone so not the greatest quality. )

Earning Money

Ev has been asking for a new game system this summer. We decided that this would be a good way to teach him a little about value of money. Will has decided to give him odd jobs to earn some money. One job is scraping the garage. While he was talking about earning his money and what he wanted to buy Emmett decided he wanted to earn money too. Not that he knows what money is really but if big brother wants it than so does he. So here are the boys doing their jobs to earn their money tonight.

Everette is scraping the garage.

Emmett is mowing the lawn.