A dump truck full of sand is delivered to our house. Everette was so excited. He couldn't hardly wait for the truck to pull away. He told me it was the best present ever.
The cistern was about 10 feet deep and about 6 feet wide full of nasty smelling water. That water had probably been sitting in there for years. First I broke up all the sidewalk (that was leading to no where through out the yard) and threw that in there. Then I added all the small rock that was around the house. And then threw the sand in on top of all that.
As I was hauling sand to the cistern and to our neighbors house, Everette thought he would make himself a bed, with a pillow and get comfortable.
I have no idea how many wheel barrow loads but it did take most of the sand pile. I now can have a peace of mind that the ever so curious 4 year old will not be falling in it. This area will eventually become a patio so the sand will stay until then.
After a days worth of work you would think that I would have lost at least one pound. Nope.... Not one. I guess all I get is the pride that I did it and he little added benefit our neighbor telling everyone is town that they should see me swing a sledge hammer and that I could probably take them out. So reassuring and great way to meet new friends.
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