Look, Ma, no more carpet...

Man, was it some nasty carpet in the bath. Vanity had to come out to get underneath.
Friday and Saturday accomplishments...

When is a window a door?....
When you cant get a couch in any other way.

Tired tonight so this will be brief. Got this very nice high speed internet on Friday afternoon, though this is the first I've had a moment to spend trying it out....sitting here on a kitchen chair in the middle of the basement floor...more on that later. We closed on Friday morning, that went well. Raced up to Stratford after. Ripped out carpet in the dining, living and one bedroom, all the while trying to keep the prego wifey out of too much trouble, its hard making that girl sit, in fact its impossible. Good thing Grammy took Ev or I'd have went over the deep end. Dan came up after he got off and we made a run to Scott's for mattresses and couch. Though when we got back we found all doors are 32 inchers, too narrow for couch. Good thing for wide windows, but waited til Saturday for that and couch lived in garage for awhile. Hallejuah! We got to sleep on our own mattress in our own house Friday night, errr, Saturday morning. My good helpers came Saturday morning also, that is when the sun was up, and we got most of the stuff moved into the decarpeted living and dining rooms and bedroom. Saturday night was more carpets. Is today Sunday? I guess so. Made another run and finished off the storage shed, also used the moving van to pick up a tub surround. The weekend is a blur. No baby yet but very soon I think....
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