This morning, Nan and I ran into Webster City to the courthouse and got the vehicles registered, they were due, the driver's licenses updated and registered to vote, swung by the "Shopper's Market" there and picked up a couple new spigots for the washer on the way back. Got home and tried removing the old spigots and couldnt get the wrench to turn them off, maybe a few days of tearing carpet has me weakend state, I dont know. I just cut those spigots right off the copper lines.... Off to the local hardware, which is for sale by the way, not sure if the guy is restocking what he's selling either. Luckily I found a couple solder-on 1/2 inch screw ends. Back home and soldering after a couple interruptions, more on that later, we can clean some clothes, I think everyone here is running low on undies. Dryer is coming with Charlie so everything will dry the old fashion way.
The Interruption...
Grammy has been cleaning windows today and doing too good a job. A hawk flew into the window and knocked himself out momentarily, I still cant believe he didnt bust thru. As I approached it, thinking it might be dead since it was completely still, it raised its head and flew away in a hurry, probably out of embarassment. A sparrow doing that, yeah, but a noble hawk? One of the princes of the sky? I hope its pals didnt see, it'll never live that down. I'm not up on my "raptor" identification, too small for a red-tailed hawk for sure. Might have been a falcon or a kite.
Carpet off the stairs, Nan did it will I was messing around in the basement, that naughty girl...

The Washer is in, you can see the computer in the background.

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