In the days , weeks, aye and the months too, that followed that day of terror, many among us hunted that pirate across many seas to lands of paradise and other places... places I'd rather not remember. The pirate eluded us though, rumors we heard in waters, and whispers in the wind, but he was always some little ways ahead of us.
Until a fortnight ago, when storm rose up from the depths, a storm that Davey Jones himself probably rode, most likely to raise the count of poor souls already entombed in his locker. Perhaps, Davey came forth with this storm of all storms to capture that one he most wanted, the one we wanted, that Black Pirate called Everette. Fortunately for us we happened to be moored safely at shore when the storm came, but we heard rumors that the storm swallowed Black Everette's treasure-ladden ship, though many claim Black Everette himself escaped the terrible sea that night.
And that brings us to the tale of this night when we finally found that shipwreck and the treasure it held. Such a feat could not have been accomplished without the courage of our two hardiest sailor-divers. These two brave souls rode the lines into the depths of those turbulent seas to seek out a treasure that would make old King Midas himself tremble. That treasure Black Everette had thought to have for himself. Chocolately treasures, with the richness of caramel hidden inside them and others with nutty and cookie delights only revealed after that first nibble.
We gorged ourselves upon these treasures, wonderful, sugary treasures. Feasted until our teeths screamed for mercy and our stomachs wrenched at the mere sight of a lowly tootsie roll. That treasure feast gave us power and vigor, such that we could carry on til dawn, laughing and screaming and howling at the moon.
Unfortunately our Captain would have none of it, that one we call "Mama" would not have us carry on this way, tearing the ship to shreds in our wild glee. So we yielded and went to our bunks, dreaming of the next time we would find a treasure of such sweet delights.
See now those brave divers...

The next time we're short on writer's, Bill, you're up. The photo of the brave divers are greeat. Thanks for sharing. Pam
See, and all this time I didn't even know there was a sea up by you. Thanks for the pics (and stories!)--those are lucky kids!
That's the best tale I've read in many a moon -- ya have the blarney gift! The costumes are absolutely priceless, aarrrrr!
It seems we have a writer in our midst. Please write more of the pirate story. My teeth are aching for more.
I Love this. Want to move to Blairsville and be the writing teacher at the elementary?
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